recursos mídia - Interactive doc examples

Super Seize Me (2004) - documentário
Morgan Spurlock
see here

(recurso a um estilo estatístico e a metodologias quantitativas de natureza positivista mas com recurso também a uma experiência fenomenológica do próprio realizador)
Super Size Me é um documentário de 2004, escrito, produzido, dirigido e protagonizado por Morgan Spurlock, um cineasta independente dos Estados Unidos da América.
No filme, Spurlock segue uma dieta de 30 dias (fevereiro de 2003) durante os quais sobrevive apenas com a alimentação e a compra de artigos exclusivamente do McDonald's.
O filme documenta os efeitos que tem este estilo de vida na saúde física e psicológica e explora a influência das indústrias da comida rápida.

Interactive Village
Terence Wright
see here and here and try here

Hollow is an interactive documentary and community participatory project that focuses on the lives of residents in McDowell County, West Virginia. Hollow combines personal portraits, interactive data, participatory mapping and user-generated content on an HTML5 website designed to address the issues stemming from stereotyping and population loss in rural America. Community members will take part in the filmmaking process by creating their own documentary portraits and balloon maps. Hollow strives to bring attention to issues in rural America, encourage trust among the community and become a place where users can share ideas for the future.
see here

Feed Me a Story
Feed Me a Story is a transmedia project that encourages the sharing of secret family recipes in a documentary-style food truck, video cookbook and Web application. The filmmakers seek to break down socio-cultural barriers through intergenerational storytelling. As people answer such questions as “What is your favorite childhood food?” and “What food is important to your cultural experience?” the project explores what it means to be American. Feed Me a Story was performed on Ellis Island as part of its first artist-in-residence program.
see here

Living Los Sures
Living Los Sures is a collaboratively produced, interactive documentary that explores the legacy of urban poverty on the increasingly trendy south side of Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood. It seeks not only to capture a diverse collection of important and unusual stories from the neighborhood, but also to create new shared histories and relationships among neighbors. For POV’s Hackathon, the Living Los Sures team will develop simple, shifting navigational features that work creatively with video assets and start to build a testing environment for artists in the UnionDocs Collaborative Studio.
see here

POV - films with a point of view
see here the projects

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